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History of San Lorenzo Ruiz Parish

“Let us remember the past with gratitude, live the present with enthusiasm, and look forward to the future with confidence.” – Pope John Paul II

San Lorenzo Ruiz Parish owes its existence to the generous homeowners of San Jose Village, Barangay Tisa. The village was formerly known as Go Chan Subdivision, which named after the late Felix Go Chan, who developed several subdivisions in the barangay.

Before it became a church, the residents established a Youth Community Development Center which provided facilities to young people for physical, intellectual, and spiritual development. Eventually, as the association felt the need to provide opportunities for the moral and spiritual regeneration of the youth, the residents converted the center into a chapel, with Saint Joseph as the patron saint. The first village feast was held on May 1, 1974.

On February 2, 1987, the construction of Beato Lorenzo Ruiz Parish was officially approved to attend properly and better the spiritual needs of the inhabitants of Tisa belonging to Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Punta Princesa, Cebu City and to respond to the needs of a growing population. The late Ricardo J. Cardinal Vidal elevated the status of the chapel of San Jose Village into a church. Consequently, the parish became under the Archdiocese of Cebu. The parish was consecrated on February 22, 1987. On the 18th of October 1987, Blessed Lorenzo Ruiz was canonized making him the first Filipino saint and hereby subject to change the name of the Parish from Beato Lorenzo Ruiz to the present, San Lorenzo Ruiz Parish in Tisa, Cebu City.

The first parish priest was Rev. Fr. Alex Lim followed by the ever-dedicated former parish priests namely: Rev. Fr. Alexander Silvano V. Salve, Rev. Fr. Ronaldo O. Sagnoy, Rev. Fr. Wendell Balbuena, Rev. Msgr. Antonio Medida, and Rev. Fr. Edwin Muaña. Working hand in hand with the residents, they created remarkable deeds during their years.

Time elapses so quickly. Thirty-five years have passed since the construction of the church. Because of the efforts, direction, and compassion of our parish priest, Rev. Fr. Lucio Gerardo Matela, and the full support of the parishioners, the church established numerous projects including the renovation of our parish convent and stage, church gutter replacement, and donation drive for calamity victims.

As we celebrate the 35th Founding Anniversary, may we continue to strive to become better parishioners and continue to give light to a thousand lives just like our patron saint, Saint Lorenzo Ruiz.


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